Wednesday, October 8, 2008

aquí,ahí & allí

In spanish you can describe if an object is far from you in the vicinity or far from you away from your vicinity.

aquí - when you want to say an object is near you.
este/esta can be used with aquí.

Estes libros aquí son muy interesantes.

ahí - when you want to refer an object that is far from you but in the vicinity.
ese/esa can be used with ahí.

Esas frutas en el jardin estan muy frescas.

allí - when an object is so far that you cant see (another room or country).
aquel/aquella can be used with allí.

Me gustan aquellas playas en españa.

The below table will help you to remember easily.

Position of object El LA Los Las Unknown
Near you Este Esta Estos Estas Esto
Somebody/thing in the vicinity Ese Esa Esos Esas Eso
Very far Aquel Aquella Aquellos Aquellas Aquello

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